I drew this as a MOOD PIECE for the drawings that went into the bags you can see below. As all drawings I make for DRAWING NEEDS go directly into the "product", the process of designing visuals for the bags is different from Illustration for print, where there can be many revisions and sketches until the piece is finished. With these, I don't make sketches or layouts, because I try to be as senseless as I can be and put that into the composition and the look of the drawings.
This also roots in the idea that there is a connection between the person that owns the final thing by buying it and the thing itself. Hopefully, by putting in a drawing, that moment will be a bit more round and relaxed.
What I do to prepare myself and my ideas of what I'm trying to put into the design, is that I make one of these MOOD PIECES, that will lead the following drawings and sets the visual MOOD for them. I can step out left and right while drawing, but I will get a feel for where I can return to by looking at this basic drawing.
IRMSA is doing another selection of smaller bags (okay, one large one as well...) and they will be here by the end of the week by the way.